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South Dakota Area Code

South Dakota Area Codes – What You Need to Know

South Dakota became the 40th state to join the union in 1889. The state has a diverse range of natural attractions, including a shoreline that stretches more than Florida. South Dakota is also home to some of the major tourist attractions in the United States - Mount Rushmore National Monument, Badlands National Park, and Old Courthouse Museum being the most popular ones.

South Dakota is also gaining traction in the United States as a major business hub. The state has a fantastic tax system for businesses with no state, corporate, personal income, inheritance, and inventory taxes. The state also boasts a stable economy with a diverse and predictable market that serves local businesses well.

With NumberInventory, you can purchase a South Dakota local phone number to establish a stellar local identity in the state.

South Dakota area code phone numbers
All Area Codes

Currently, South Dakota only has a single South Dakota phone code

Area code:
Areas/ City Served:
South Dakota
Steps to Setup

Get a Number in Seconds

Select your preferred network area
Select your preferred South Dakota area code and number.
Account information
Receive account information within 24 hours
Your number is ready
And voila! Your number will be activated within 2 to 10 business days
Fill up contact details
Provide your contact details and make the payment
easy on your wallet

Available at reasonable prices

Local numbers cost less than international numbers. You can get started from as low as $99.

boost sales

Cater to the locals, make more sales

South Dakota’s residents don’t prefer communicating with an international phone number. On the flip side, a familiar local phone number would make them more comfortable about engaging with your business, increasing your chances of converting leads into sales.

strong local presence in South Dakota

Gain credibility among locals

A South Dakota (SD) number will instill trust among your target customers in the local community, allowing you to tap into the state’s flourishing market.

Easy to Communicate

Smooth customer-business communication

Once you buy South Dakota local phone numbers, you can increase your customer relations by being more accessible to your clients. Moreover, your customers won't have to worry about incurring extra charges for the calls.

Advertise using your South Dakota numbers

Strong tool for marketing

You can get a local South Dakota phone number to boost your local marketing efforts. You can build campaigns around your local numbers to make your prospects realize that your business is focused on catering to the needs of the locals.

Find Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Which South Dakota area code can I buy from NumberInventory?
You can browse through our huge database of local South Dakota phone numbers with the area code 605 and buy the one that best suits your business.
What purpose do local area codes serve?
Local area codes allow service providers to route long-distance calls to specific destinations. Moreover, area codes are also required to implement the numbering system that ensures an organized telecommunications system.
Why is it so hard to find a South Dakota phone number?

South Dakota phone numbers are in high demand nowadays. Moreover, South Dakota only has one area code for the entire state, making it difficult for customers to find and purchase South Dakota (SD) local phone numbers.

What should I get – South Dakota numbers or toll-free numbers?
Toll-free numbers work well with businesses that serve an international market. Getting a local South Dakota number makes more sense for businesses that want to tap into the state’s local market. At NumberInventory, you can purchase both.
Can my South Dakota number receive international calls?

Your South Dakota phone number would be able to receive international calls as well, provided that the caller has their international calling facilities enabled with their service provider.

Who will own my SD phone number?
After purchasing, you will be the sole owner of your local South Dakota phone number. You can port it to any carrier of your choice whenever needed.
Will I be able to use my South Dakota phone number with my cell phone as well?

All kinds of cell phones, Google Voice, and VoIP can work with any number you buy from NumberInventory. If you want to go for a landline number, you need an area code.

We recommend that you get in touch with your landline connection provider to check the compatibility between your physical address and your desired phone number before making any purchase.

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