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Frequently Asked Questions

Local Numbers

How do I purchase a local number?
Use our search feature to find the local phone number that you would like to purchase. You can search by state, area code, words, letters, or number patterns.
Are there any recurring charges?
There are no recurring charges once the number has been purchased however your carrier may have usage charges or other fees due, so please be certain to check with your individual carrier. Please note: if you choose to “park” your number with us, or activate it on the iTeleCenter™ service — recurring charges may apply for the use of those services, but not for the number itself.
How do I port the number?
The process varies slightly depending on which carrier or VoIP service you want to use. When you purchase a number, we will send you an email with the current account information on it, and explaining how to port your number.
What does it mean to “port” a number?
Porting is the process of moving a phone number from one carrier to another.
Can I port my number to a cell phone service provider?
Yes, our local phone numbers can be ported to any mobile carrier.
Can I port the number to any phone or provider?

Cellular phones and VoIP (as well as Google Voice) can be used with any number. However, landlines must be associated with an area code for the region it is in.

Please contact your landline carrier and ask them if the number you are interested in will work at the physical address you want your phone number to work at before ordering or buying your new phone number just to be sure.
How long is the porting process?
Porting a local number to your carrier typically takes 7-15 business days however exact timing can vary based on the specific carrier.
Once I complete the checkout, do I own the number outright?
Yes, you do own your number outright – it’s all yours!

Toll-Free Numbers

Is the Toll Free number reservation fee a one-time charge?
The reservation fee is a one-time fee. Once you transfer your number to a provider, usage charges will apply.
How do I activate a number once I reserve it?
Once the number is reserved you can contact your phone carrier to activate the number. You will be asked to fill out a simple form called an LOA to port the number to your carrier. We can help you port the number to the carrier of your choice!
Can I use my Toll Free Number with a cell phone?
Yes, if you choose iTeleCenter as your provider, calls from your Toll Free number can be forwarded to your cell phone.
Can I have more than 7 digits/letters in my number?

Yes, you can, this is called “overdial”. Once the customer dials that last number (or letter) the call will start completing regardless of what they press after the 10th digit.

For example, if you’ve licensed the number 800-VACATION, the actual number would be 800-822-2846, and the final 6 is the “overdial” digit and will be ignored when dialed.
How long will it take to active my number?
The process can take 2-15 days depending on the carrier you chose. We recommend activating your number with iTeleCenter if you want to activate your number quickly. The link to activate your number with iTeleCenter will be included in your purchase confirmation email.

Useful services

What is number parking?
Number parking is a service offered by, where we activate your new number with our carrier so you don’t lose it while you are deciding on which carrier you will be porting it to.
What is iTeleCenter™?

iTeleCenter™ is a fully configurable suite of business communication services that immediately activates a robust and automated business telephone system on your new number, all ready to use. It includes the ability to make and receive calls, faxes, voicemail, texts, configure extensions and greetings, and much, much more.

Includes a 500 minute per month package.

* Subscription-based service, additional charges may apply
How do minute packages work?
Minute packages are month-to-month, there are no long-term contracts or commitments with our services. You pay only for what you use that month, and you can cancel any time. Package minutes are included in the package base fee at no extra cost to you. There is no limit on how many minutes you can use, but there may be a small per-minute fee for the minutes used in excess of those included in the package.


Do I get a refund if I don’t want the number anymore?
Since your numbers are reserved for you immediately after purchase, no refund is possible. The number is yours (owned or licensed), to do with as you please.
Do I get a refund if I cancel my services?
Because there is no contract or pre-payment with our services, the concept of a refund does not apply. You pay for what you use after you use it.
How do minute packages work?
No, there are no long-term contracts or commitments with our services. You pay only for what you use that month, and you can cancel any time.