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Looking to find out which phone company provides service for a particular toll free number? The Who Owns This Number tool helps you with that! To use this phone number lookup function for free on NumberInventory, simply enter a 10-digit toll free number and click the See Who Owns It button.
Enter the 10-digit toll free number - entry may contain numbers and letters (e.g. 800-333-4545 or 800-66-TACOS)
Example: If you enter 800-555-1212 into Who Owns This Number you will see:
Company: AT&T
Referral #: 800-544-6317
AT&T is responsible for the toll free number, and their contact number for troubles associated with the number is 800-544-6317.
If you enter a toll free number you may see this message: No information found for this number. This indicates that the number may be spare (and available for you to obtain on It may have been recently reserved, or have another status.